Directed by Danny Boyle(Slumdog millionaire) with James Franco in the lead, the movie is about a mountain climber who gets trapped between the deep cracks of the UTAH CANYON after a boulder crashes on his arm. The struggle, the trauma and the emotional delusions make up the rest of the movie. The treacherous moments last for 5 long days until he decides to detach his own arm that is stuck between the rocks. Though 75% of this movie is shot between the crooked depths of the CANYON, you never feel stuck at any point of this movie. The biggest strength of this movie is the BG Score of our own A.R.Rahman. The music is simply mesmerizing. James Franco takes all the credits as an actor and has given all that he can for the role of Aron Ralston, a real life mountain climber whose story has been depicted in this movie. Overall its a very excellent movie, that you will remember for a long time.
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